A point on the cartesian plane
Absolute difference between two numbers
Age after 10 years
Age calculation
American dollars to nairas
Area and the perimeter of a rectangle
Area of a circle
Area of a triangle
Asking for name, gender, and salary
Astrological sign
Average of chemistry, physics, and mathematics
Average of three numbers
Average of three test scores
Bigger and smaller of three numbers
Calculation with an even or odd number
Centimeters to inches, feet, meters, kilometers and miles
Comparing decimals of three numbers
Conversion from Celsius degrees to Fahrenheit degrees
Conversion from Fahrenheit degrees to Celsius degrees
Converting 10 temperatures
Converts a number of seconds in to hours and minutes
Cube of x
Easter date
Even or odd number
First number multiple of the second one
Greatest of three numbers
Hello world!
Ideal weight calculator
It divides the larger by the smaller
Leap year
Legal voting age in Rwanda
Magic date
Marks to grade and remarks
Miles per gallons of gas
Millimetres to meters and centimeters
Month name
Mr. Ojo savings
Next date
Number divisible by 5 and 6
Number of days in a month
Ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands
Pay per hours worked
Positive or negative number
Quadratic equation
Random number
Repeated hello world
Reverse of a four-digit integer
Reversed of a five digit number
Right angled triangle
Salary of a worker in your school
Sales commission calculator
Seconds total on a day until a determitated time
Sides of a right triangle
Square root
Student grades calculation
Sum of 4 digits
Sum of two numbers
Sum, product, difference, and quotient
Surface area and volume of a cube
The sum of any two numbers equals the third
Three points on one straight line
Volume of a sphere
Water Billing System
Water consumption
Yards, feet, and inches to inches
Your name
Smallest, bigger, amount and average of 10 numbers
Smallest, bigger, amount and average of N numbers
Smallest, bigger, amount and average of positive numbers serie
Customers record
Library management
Name, age, and gender
Phone book
Products stock
Struct student
Student record